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❖ PCT Filing Services India

Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) is an International Patent Law Treaty established in 1970 in order to give each invention their right to protect by registering by filing an International application or called PCT application. PCT filing is made by through a single application form by the help of a Receiving Officer (RO) of a particular state and then followed by a professional patent search by the International Searching Agency (ISA) in order to register the proposed patent. Primarily, Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) is j8ust an agreement for mutual cooperation at an international level in the field of patent filing and registration. Therefore, PCT filing is a procedure and it should be carefully followed by all countries across the world. PCT filing in India has some different rules and regulations as the filing should be done within the 31 months of the priority dates in the designated states. The PCT application should be accompanied with all rules and regulations relating to that particular country for better process and easy management of the PCT filing.

PCT Filing Process In India

Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) application is meant for an application to get the desired patent under the patent cooperation treaty. If one wishes to apply a PCT application then, one should follow the whole process as per the rules and regulations of the treaty. The PCT application should mention all the details the name, address and nationality of the applicant. And, the complete details about inventions like the title of the invention, method of invention, background of the invention and other claims which is helpful for filing PCT application. The PCT application form is duly signed by the patent agent authorized by the Government in this regard for professional PCT registration. PCT filing fees varies from country to country and it depends upon the type of cases and claims by the agent and owner. In India, the amount many go up to four thousands of rupees for application under the patent cooperation treaty.

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